Saturday, July 11, 2015


My aunties garden / schorlemaedchenMy aunties garden / schorlemaedchen Two photos I took in my aunties garden when I was back home in the South of Germany a few weeks back.

Things I enjoy lately:
The new Dawes album, particularly the song 'don't send me away'
Ryan Adams live album at Carnegie Hall - it is just a masterpiece.
I enjoy Susanne's recipes and food photography so much
Love Anna's new work
Mieke's wonderful Italy photos (can't wait for the film shots)


susanne said...

Ich habe mich so über deine Worte gefreut liebe Maria! Ich verstehe dich so gut .. habe mir in letzter Zeit einige Gedanken gemacht zu Instagram - Zeit und Schnellebigkeit und versuche mir dann und wann auch wieder Zeit für schönen 'slow' blog Momente zu nehmen. Im August oder September komme ich bestimmt wieder mal einen Samstag nach HH, vielleicht klappt es ja mit einem Kaffeetreffen :) habt ein herrliches Wochenende!

WSAKE said...

you probably can imagine how much i like those pictures... some of those jugs (or fragments of them) are hidden troughout this garden of mine which belonged to may grandmother before. at first i found it annoying and ugly, now i´ve come to adore it...

and theank you so much for your "link love"!